Egg and Salad Wraps

Serving Time icon
Portions : 6
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Total Time : 20 mins


  • 198g can Green Giant Sweet Corn, drained
  • 4 tomatoes, chopped
  • 10cm piece cucumber, chopped
  • few sprigs coriander, chopped
  • 6 Old El Paso large soft tortilla wraps (salsa or wholewheat can be used)
  • 226 g jar Old El Paso Tomato Salsa, (or use fresh)
  • 6 large eggs
  • 6 tsp vegetable oil
  • ½ lettuce, shredded
  • 6 tbsp low fat yogurt.
  • Griddle or non-stick frying pan
  • Small omelette pan

A fun way of making a wrap, and delicious for lunch or childrens tea.


  1. Put the tomatoes, chopped cucumber and sweet corn into a bowl and mix together.
  2. To make each wrap, put the omelette pan on to heat, then heat a ridged griddle pan or medium non-stick frying pan, large enough to hold the tortilla, add a tortilla and warm on each side.
  3. To cook each omelette, add a teaspoon of oil to the small pan and one beaten egg. Quickly swirl the egg around the pan to make an omelette. Remove from the heat.
  4. Spread a tablespoon of the salsa over the tortilla, place the cooked omelette on top then add some shredded lettuce and sweetcorn salad, drizzle with yogurt and roll up and serve.
  5. Repeat the preparation for the rest of the wraps in the same way.


  • Instead of a plain or curly lettuce, use 2 Little Gems, or a head of Romaine.